
September 2018 - BFR Westport Ride, Bioreserve Walk

Bike Fall River September Westport Ride

Bike Fall River held a great ride starting at the Alfred J. Lima Quequechan River Rail Trail to Westport Point and back. Some riders continued onto Horseneck Beach. Between 33 to 40 miles was covered by various riders. Here are a few photos of our intrepid riders: - the group first stopped at the Karen Pearson memorial bench that is located on the trail.

Horseneck Beach bike path on the right.

At Horseneck Beach


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The fungus among us and more forest wonders.

This past Saturday morning was cloudy and damp as we hiked 5 miles along trails and wood roads in the Southeastern Massachusetts Bioreserve. The forest foliage was still lush and green from a damp and hot summer, but early signs of autumn were evident in beginning to turn red leaves of tupelo and red maple, colorful mushrooms fruiting abundantly and fall wildflowers beginning to bloom.

Humans in the forest are so noisy that wildlife usually knows exactly where we are and stays hidden. Sometimes hikers get lucky and get a view of forest residents. On this walk those of us alert and and observant were fortunate to catch a glimpse of a hen turkey, fisher, red squirrel, nuthatchers and a pickerel frog.

Fall is approaching, but forest trails are still summer green.


Many species of autumn asters and other New England fall wildflowers are beginning to bloom.

Cool temperatures and rain color the forest floor with mushrooms in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

October's Exploring the Southeastern Massachusetts Bioreserve will find us exploring Bioreserve fungi. Date and location not yet set. Watch for an email "activity alert" with details later this month. 


Bike Fall River Sunset/Moonlight Ride

Saturday turned out to be a perfect night for a nighttime ride.  The air was cool and crisp and a lot drier than Friday.  We were a little slow getting to Colt’s State Park for the sunset and had to watch from an earlier viewing point than usual.  After sunset we toured the park and headed back toward Providence.  Two of our riders even went to WaterFire.  We did not view the moon until we were in our cars driving home!
