Current Projects

Regional Water Quality

"All rivers run to the sea - whether it is a person's life or the flowing stream. Some of it is turbulent, some peaceful - with depths and shallow places, with swift mainstreams and circling eddies. But it is always moving, always gathering into its flow the experiences that make us who we are."
-from Cherokee Feast of Days by Joyce Sequichie Hifler

As we all know, water is the essence of living. Our duty as citizen's of this planet is to protect water quality within the course of our lives, keeping it as pristine as possible for future generations. We at Green Futures are committed to overseeing the waters in our area: the Taunton River - now designated "Wild & Scenic", the Quequechan River, the Copicut Reservoir, the North and South Watuppa Ponds and all the connecting streams, rivers and ponds.

The links below will provide some information about drinking water, water source protection, wetlands, wastewater, watersheds, stormwater or other water issues:

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection:

Massachusetts Community Water Watch:

Clean Water Action:

Massachusetts Water Pollution Control Association:

Go to   and click on "Resource Links"

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